The introduction to this product says it all... "The purpose of this Superhero Social Thinking curriculum is to provide the social-thinking educator, teacher, or parent with a fun, motivating, and non-threatening way for our students to explore social thinking while increasing their knowledge of social expectations, their awareness of their own behavior and how to modify their behaviors with Superflexible strategies. Our students have difficulty monitoring and regulating their own behaviors in the moment, and this curriculum provides a fun forum in which they can explore their own challenges and identify ways to modify their thoughts and related behaviors in different settings."
This resource offers thirteen different lessons aimed at explaining social skills, the type of superhero that students should want to emulate and the type of characters that students should stay away from. Also included in this resource are a few appendices that offer:
- books and materials related to the superflex curriculum
- definitions of words and characters used in the curriculum
- student awards
- social scenes to support lessons
- additional handouts
I was showing this resource to a teacher today and we both agreed that we love the characters included in this curriculum. Of course, Superflex is what we all strive to be. Superflex is super flexible and tries to figure out how to keep people calm while also getting his turn at activities. He's a great problem solver. Then, there's also the "team of unthinkables" which teach about unexpected social skills. ("Topic Twister Meister", "Space Invader", and "The Destroyer of Fun" to name just a few!)
Now about those lessons... As I mentioned, there are 13 different lessons in the curriculum. Each lesson includes the materials needed, purpose of the lesson, vocabulary words used, goals, and things that need to be done before the lesson. (I like organization, so this really appeals to me!)
The book methodically walks you through the lesson and provides handouts to practice the skills that the students have learned.
Below is a letter that can be distributed to parents and educators.
Quiet Please... Training in Session! I love how even older kids can get into this curriculum because it's so fun and engaging!
This curriculum also includes a "cartoon book" that looks more at the relationship between Superflex and the Team of Unthinkables!
I love that this curriculum explains social skills in easy to understand terms, but it is also interesting for older students as well. It allows students to work through poor social skill traits to determine how to improve upon these characteristics in a non-threatening way.
You can find this awesome Social Thinking Curriculum resource for $49.00 HERE!!!
Disclaimer: This item was given to me for review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions expressed here are solely my own.