
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ice Skates, Hot Chocolate, and A Freebie!!

I’ve been busy this week creating lots of new products in anticipation of my first (20% off) TeachersPayTeachers sale!

This post includes a look at some new products as well as a FREE item that you can download at my store!

I love being inspired to new create materials and products when I see cute graphics and I just couldn't pass up the graphics for this new Ice Skating Functions activity!

This activity includes 48 function/object cards (24 pairs total). The object cards have a child on them and the function cards have ice skates on them. The intent of this activity is to pair up the items with their function. Examples of this activity include: "scissors", "we cut with them", "paper", "we write on it", etc.

You can check out this Ice Skating Functions activity here!

A few weeks ago, I was working with a few of my students on the concepts “before” and “after”. Holy cow was this difficult, which left me feeling like I had to go about teaching them these concepts in a different way. Most of my students are strongly visual learners, so I tend to make a lot of visuals to go along with my activities and this one is no different! Introducing… Ice Skating Before and After!

This activity includes 18 "before" and 18 "after" cards targeting 2-step directions. It also includes a visual aid to help your students determine how to follow directions that include before and after. I had my students reference this visual aid before they started to follow the direction and they were practically completing them (correctly!) without any help from me! I love when that happens!

You can check out this Ice Skating Before and After material here!

This last activity is a yummy one! Hot Chocolate Causes and Effects!

This packet includes 24 cause and 24 effect cards. Cause cards are in green and effect cards are in pink. Students choose a card and answer the question on it. (E.g. "What is one cause of a snow day?", "What is the effect of skipping lunch?", etc) The black cards have both causes and effects on them. (E.g. "I took a nap because I was tired.") Students need to correctly determine which part is the cause and which part is the effect. Also included in this packet is a visual aid to guide the students’ understanding of causes and effects as well as examples on both cards. (I love my visuals!)

You can check out this Hot Chocolate Causes and Effects activity here!

And finally, for a freebie…

Last year, the speech pathologists in my district started a new tradition in which we all exchange speech and language Christmas gifts!! This happens to be one of my favorite holiday gift exchanges because I work with amazing SLPs who all have fantastic ideas and they always inspire me by giving me a different way to think about the job I do.

One of the speech pathologists made a story map stick from cute picture cards and paint stick… genius!

With her permission, I’ve recreated her idea and in honor of our SLP Christmas exchange, it will also be available to you for free at my TpT store. I hope this inspires you to create an SLP Holiday of your own where you work!

This isn't the greatest picture, but I hope you get the idea. She velcro'ed the "plan" square to the back of the paint stick.

I love this material and am so excited to use it with my kids!

You can grab this freebie here!

Happy holidays!

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